Thursday, February 15, 2007

Bring the Singularity Closer- Psychophysical Law

You can help bring forth the singularity. After reading Larry Dossey's book, "The Extraordinary Healing Power of Ordinary Things," and his chapter on novelty, I realized simply thinking about, meditating on, and promoting the singularity helps bring it closer. Dossey outlines Gustav Fechner's Psychophysical Law, basically that it is hard, if not impossible, to maintain a level of intensity equal to the intensity generated when experiencing something for the first time. Dossey devotes a small section to "The Pleasure of Prejudice", and says "Many radical ideas throughout history have benefited from Fechner's great principle." As such, the more the singularity and Kurzweil's outline and timeline of the coming singularity is promoted and talked about, the closer it comes to reality. The reason being, people's initial skepticism or denial will soften through repeated exposure. I believe you will find this true for yourself, and for others that you talk to the singularity about. Please consider this as you explore the singularity.

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